The D3 Literacies
Caitriona Heffernan
Team 5 began our design challenge aware of the objective to enhance our data, digital, and design literacies. Wishing to design an impactful solution we approached this project open to learning, through applying each of D3 Literacies. (Chambers, 2021)

The team arrived at Design as beginners and looked forward to building our Design literacy. Through the project we were thoroughly exposed to Design and included it at every stage . At the outset we were introduced to models of design thinking and design mindsets. We learned to approach design through empathy and brought this especially to interactions with our personas and stakeholders. We used Hasso Plattner design templates throughout and recognising a talent within our team to communicate through drawing, we brought ourselves and integrated this into our communication stages, in slides and videos. Post-it boards were employed to evoke, gather and organize and inputs and simple but highly effective red-dot voting was used to move past over-analysis. The group presentation allowed showcasing all the design we had applied over the project, video production, new media exploration, website design, lego, and not least, the teamwork applied by diverse individuals who had learned the design power of harnessing diversity.
Our team began with only a superficial Data literacy and began Observe with each member bringing loose personal observations on the SDGs, which we believed passed as data. We learned and improved when each member researched and listed our stakeholders, combining into an infographic capturing our data. Later, during Observate we began to count and categorise findings of our studies and interviews. We used tables to gather, and select our ideas during PoV and Ideation. As we presented our project, our literacy was developed further as we were asked to consider the wider implications of the data we would generate as our solution entered the public domain.
Digital Literacy was employed throughout our project. Our team members were comfortable and aware of tools such as email, spreadsheets, word processors, video conferencing, and smartphone apps. Some of our team brought experience of web design and coding. All of these were leveraged during the project. Novel online collaboration tools such as Gathertown and Jamboards were introduced and duly applied to our project. We were also exposed to testing digital environments using multiple tools at once which also brought an appreciation of digital overload our persona and stakeholders may feel if they were pushed beyond their digital comfort zone. Further learning was achieved when similarly to the point in Data, we were asked to consider the implication of our new digital platform in the real world.
Reflection on learnings; Design Challenge.