Book Title: Presenting your learning journey
Subtitle: A guide to the PG Diploma Innovation through Design Thinking group assessments for ED6076

Book Description: This Pressbook showcases two eportfolio examples from student teams in the 2021/2022 cohort for the Postgraduate Diploma in Innovation through Design Thinking in University College Cork for the education assessment modules. It also includes pitch presentations from both 2021/22 and 2020/21 cohorts.
Book Information
Book Description
Design Thinking is one of the world’s most popular approaches to establishing dynamic, human-centred, goal-oriented innovation. The Postgraduate Diploma in Innovation through Design Thinking educates design thinkers to work across a wide spectrum of settings and sectors.
This Pressbook showcases two eportfolio examples from student teams in the 2021/2022 cohort for the program for the education assessment modules. It also includes pitch presentations from both 2021/22 and 2020/21 cohorts.
It is envisaged that these exemplars will demonstrate to students how they might consider to capture their own learning journeys as a team and how to present information in a coherent, meaningful, reflective, creative and engaged way.
Presenting your learning journey Copyright © 2022 by Briony Supple, Caitriona Heffernan, John Collier, Rosemarie Foley. All Rights Reserved.
Education: examinations and assessment