

Caitriona Heffernan

During our prototyping stage the team developed a number of different iterations to visualise the content and functional aspects and also the ‘look and feel’ of the proposed solution.

First Iteration:

Our initial iterations we 2 dimensional low fidelity illustrations on whiteboards and poster paper to clarify content and operability.

Second iteration:

Our second iteration was a low fidelity but manoeuvrable model to illustrate transitions between the different pages of our web platform.

Link to an early paper prototype including some functionality

Third Iteration:

The next prototype involved an early digital version of the solution.

Fourth iteration:

The fourth iteration included bespoke algorithms created by a team member using Adobe XD.

Fifth iteration:

Prototype – 5th Iteration.

Each stage of the prototyping process was interspersed with a testing phase which informed the changes, inclusions and adaptations at the next stage of iteration. The testing process will be discussed in detail in the next section of this book.


Presenting your learning journey Copyright © 2022 by Briony Supple, Caitriona Heffernan, John Collier, Rosemarie Foley. All Rights Reserved.